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From a young age I was fascinated by making art objects and beautiful utensils. My very creative father Jan Drummen was extremely skilled at making all kinds of beautiful objects, from furniture to art objects and my mother Frieda Drummen-Bovens made beautiful combinations of acrylic paint and dried flowers and exhibited regularly and received great acclaim with her inventive creations.


And last but not least, my uncle Sjef Drummen can be mentioned as a huge inspiration who was a very versatile artist and made paintings, sculptures, drawings, bronze statues and Stations of the Cross. In my experience, he was the Godfather of the family, very charismatic and a fantastic artist.


In retrospect, this creative formation has had an enormous influence and thus a blueprint on the rest of my life.


So it was to be expected that creating would remain a fixed value in my life. After studying mechanical engineering in Aachen, Germany, I worked for 25 years in a variety of positions, about half of which time in management positions. But in such positions, in retrospect, my sensitivity to my idea was too much of an obnoxious trait; one that costed energy rather than gave. In a creative environment, it is the other way around and the combination of feeling and intuition is the fuel for creative processes. At some point, the idea surfaced to use all the life experience we had gained for our own activity where we as a family, the connection with nature, individual freedom and our passions had to become more central again. The emigration with my family to France in 2006 was therefore a huge milestone in shifting the priorities of life;

reducing 'Having' (image, status, income, influence). And 'Being' (Intuition, authenticity, more connection with nature, more time for yourself, your family and your passions) became more of a life priority again. Creative activities such as painting, photography, cooking, wine and liqueur making, gastronomy and high-quality jobs gave me more and more enormous satisfaction. ​


In recent years, painting through Vedic Art has opened up an extra, wondrous dimension in the field of Creativity. Through this painting method based on 17 Vedic Art principles, you will discover the intuitive way to your creative essence, which lies within everyone. The inspiring thing about Vedic Art is that you not only acquire the basic knowledge of painting, but also (re)discover your personal creativity and become more and more aware of your inner consciousness, your own Core.

Tot slot mijn levensles: 'Het leven is in feite een grote bewegwijzering van tegen- en meevallers die, als je daar voor open staat, je allemaal helpen je levensweg en -missie te vinden. Achteraf is het vroege overlijden van mijn 22-jarige broer (ik was toen 19) juist de invloedsfactor geweest, die me gestimuleerd heeft om veel holistischer, vrijer en creatiever in het leven te gaan staan.

Durf je leven in te richten door te vertrouwen op je intuïtie en gevoel, twijfel nooit aan jezelf (hooguit aan tijdelijke omstandigheden) en zie jouw onhebbelijkheden juist als de unieke persoonlijke karaktereigenschappen, waardoor ergens die unieke levensrol op jou ligt te wachten die bij jou past zoals jij Bent...


Naar mijn stellige beleving is Creëren een van de meest voldoening schenkende bezigheden in het leven, in het 'Hier & Nu' en is ook een inspiratiebron voor anderen en daarmee de drijvende kracht richting een nieuwe,

Verlichte Wereld die nooit eerder zo'n behoefte had aan een gigantische transformatie.


Heb je voor jouw gevoel jouw ideale levensinvulling eenmaal ruwweg voor ogen, omarm dan de wonderbaarlijke synchrone voorvallen die je nog dichter bij jezelf en daardoor ook bij jouw ideale levensvervulling zullen gaan brengen. En omring je met inspirerende gelijkdenkenden en gaandeweg zul je versteld staan hoe je je levensinrichting zelf kunt vormgeven;

over Creëren gesproken....'

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